Is Black fungus infects everyone? Are yellow and white fungus are dangerous?
Viral infection makes you weaker. It will be a tough war to your body's immune system. During this fight, your defence system gets weak. It opens a path to other infections and diseases it's called as opportunistic infections. Like HIV/AIDS, this Covid-19 is also a deadliest infection to fight. Hence, already weaker persons with chronic conditions are more vulnerable especially with lung disorders.
Fungi, you can see it everywhere with naked eye. There are millions of fungal species in our earth not every fungus make you sick. It is in the air, soil, plants, outside skin and inside of our body. Most fungal infections are not life threatening. We are ingesting it in daily situations. Fungal infections are opportunistic infections.
It can't spread between people Or people to animals.
Black Fungus (Mucormycosis) is caused by a fungi and belongs to the family of Mucor mucedo which is commonly called as Common pinmold. It's infection was announced as epidemic in 29 states in India.
Person with long term use of steroids are susceptible to this infection. To treat Covid-19, doctors use some steroids. It lowers the immunity in our body. Hence, this pandemic situation we got increases in these infection. It infects nose, face, eyes. In severe conditions, it causes blindness. It is untreatable when it reaches brain.
Symptoms :
* Fever, Facial swelling, Nasal congestion, headache, Black lesions on nose and mouth.
* If it affects lungs causes chest pain, shortness of breath
* Diagnose early to treat infection.
White Fungus infection is more dangerous?
Unlike black fungus, it is not a rare infection. Actually the term "White Fungus" is incorrect. It is normally called as Candidosis. Patients have white lesions on mouth and cheeks. It is caused by fungus called Candida. It can be found on our normal skin, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tracts. It is treated with normal antifungal medications.
The term White Fungus used is actually one of edible mushrooms used in Chinese cuisine and also used as medicine.
Yellow Fungus:
Yellow Fungus ( Mucor septicus) also belongs to the same family of black Fungus Mucor mucedo. Both Fungus are fatal disease. It can be treated if we diagnose soon.
It causes infection inside the body. In severe conditions it causes organ failure and necrosis ( premature cell death) of living tissue.
Symptoms are lethargy, loss of appetite and weight loss. Amphotericin b is used to treat the fatal fungal infections.
* People who are taking drugs, who done organ transplants and Covid-19 infected people are more prone to these type of infections.They should protect themself from surrounding environment like avoid areas with lots of dust, activities involving gardening, outgoing to dirty areas.
* Make sure to wear gloves and shoes in unavoidable situation.
* Throw away old foods and eat healthy.
* Humidity in patients surrounding need to check. High humidity will promote the bacterial and fungal infections.
* If symptoms occur contact the doctor immediately. These infections are curable in early stages.
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